Tuesday, November 11, 2008

So sorry!!

I am so sorry everyone!! My pc totally bit the dust this weekend. That is why days 8 9 and 10 haven't been posted. I am on my work pc and can't upload pics. I am going to my SIL house after work to get these going again.


fishlips said...

No Worries... we all been there too... Happy Tuesday

The Mama Monkey said...

Hope you get it fixed soon!

thescrapmaster said...

I am sorry your computer bit the dust! Happy Birthday (late)!!!!!!!!!!!


Alexandria said...

Lin, you better get your butt back to bloggin' LOL! I'm going to start calling and pestering you if you don't post!

cricutqueen said...

Lin~Where are you??? I miss your great ideas!!

Morti said...

Hey there Lin!

I've just joined SBS 26 - looking forward to getting to know you!

Kathryn said...


Sorry about your computer!
I'm kathryn - -I just joined Sisterhood #26 -- Looking forward to getting to know you! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Lin, Sorry about your computer. I just joined SBS 26 yesterday. Just wanted to say and look forward to getting to know everyone.
Wendy B

~T~ said...

Computers can really bite sometimes! Mine just now started letting me email again - after 3 days of not letting me. Weird thing - has a mind of its own sometimes...kinda like my car!

Naomi said...

So glad it's not just me having PC issues. Mine is up, it's just been taking about 10 minutes to pull up a page, so let's just say it made blogging impossible. Seems better now. Glad you are back!

Anonymous said...


I have an award for you on my blog. Can't wait for you to get back to blogging!!


Sankari W. said...

hi lin - hope your pc is working and that things are going well! computers and technology can sometimes be so annoying when they don't quite go right...
best wishes always,
Sankari :)

thescrapmaster said...

You disappeared! We miss ya :)

Tabitha Dokken said...

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